
Be Humble.

Dear Jimmy,
Time for some serious talk.

A man came to the Buddha with an offering of flowers in his hands.
The Buddha looked up at him and said, “Drop it!”
He couldn’t believe he was being asked to drop the flowers.
However, he obeyed reluctantly and dropped the flowers in his left hand.
Again, he said, “Drop it!”
He dropped all the flowers and stood empty handed.
Buddha again said, this time with a smile, “Drop it!”
Perplexed the man asked, “Drop What?”
“Not the flowers, son, but the one who brought them,” was the Buddha’s reply.
In a brief life, man leaves no stone unturned, to leave a mark behind; a legacy for posterity.
Every one is running. There is so much chaos, so much commotion and unrest. We are too involved to remember that each one of us is destined to fade into the endless vacuum.
Once we leave, we will be lost in the boundless ocean of oblivion. Very few realize that this is ultimately the fate of all. Everything is impermanent. So why make a futile attempt to leave a legacy and for whom?
Every object is fleeting and every relationship lasts till one breathes.
No one belongs to you and you belong to none after death
it’s just our unrealistic notion and bloated sense of self importance that compels us to do something by which the world should remember us. Alas, no one remembers.
Delete yourself. Live your life happily, peacefully, with contentment and humility because you are there because of almighty’s grace.